AFA (Access For All) is a coalition founded by a group of artists dedicated to abortion access to everyone. 100% of the proceeds from t-shirt sales go directly to four organizations currently working to make this happen:
The Brigid Alliance
Midwest Access Coalition
NAF Hotline
Indigenous Women Rising
This coalition hosts the following artists:
@bird_sounds @elfvira @devil_and_eye @the503 @momo.tattoos @zqh.666 @funeralflowers616 @tooglued @upso @allificio @weird_livin @brendanfcope @emfemz @t0a5t0r0 @black_and_gifted_pdx @no_puddles @kid_zero @chum4lunch @inzobwetrust @arsvenenum @happyfangsart @curiousmusmusculus @mercydeee @prate @samwiseoxley @sydnastyyyyy @hallowed.hands @meeooowmixx @kooky_spook @acornpdx @prentler @dirtythronelessgoat @saltbat @jellybeebri @chloebren @rosofultra @dreamtheory.pdx @woofsandhuffs @asiandrawsonstuff @wlfspdr_ @steptwindesigns @doomfruit @heidielisewirz @thebrightmerchant @thevioletaveline @soft.kaos @papaprick @artbyzmc @roxysgreenhouse @ctdzn @weirdefruit @jonslostcolony @pmccaffertyart @squalorbackgirl @phonkadelic @abstractjak @alltheartkicks @thenakedfaerie @streetfartz @dood.pdx @thecatscult @vindictive.pdx @spacefox.pnw @dethmonger @blackmothprinting @tshozuyaart @breadboi_pdx @spacecase_pdx @supperwithfoxglove @orange34design @bomz503 @qingpdx @wolfxdog @hellscribe @shnazzy_@bean_largent_art @kleem___ @thecoygator @frompartsunknown @dorothydotcool @dronewitch @c_helm_